Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Orlando Surveillance Cams Will Detect Motion, Alert In Real-Time

Local 6
OrlandoJune 24, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. — The first 18 of 60 motion-detecting cameras will soon be installed around Orlando at a cost of more than $1.3 million, Local 6 has learned.

The surveillance video program being implemented in Orlando is called IRIS or Innovative Response to Improve Safety and will detect crimes or other incidents and send alerts to law enforcement.

“This is instant,” Orlando police Captain Jeff Goltz said. “The cameras are out there and running real time. We see some activity and we send officers to that activity. In a lot of technology that is out in stores, it is being recorded and it is evidence for future use, for future follow up and future investigative purposes. That is a big difference.”
Read full article

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