Monday, 23 June 2008

Israel exercising for nuclear disaster with Iran

Jerry Mazza
Online Journal
Monday, June 23, 2008

Both Reuters via and the New York Times reported Friday that Israel carried out a major military exercise this month, described by unnamed American officials as a rehearsal for mayhem, i.e., a powerful attack on Iran’s nuclear uranium enrichment plant at Natanz.

As described, more than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 (American made) fighters engaged in exercises over the eastern Mediterranean and Greece in the first week of June. The point of the workout, it seemed, was to hone in on long-range strikes on Iran’s uranium facilities, American officials said.

The kicker is that since much of the facility is buried deeply underground in extremely fortified facilities, there’s no guaranty that a surface attack would cripple the facility. Ergo, if Iran is, indeed, at the weapons grade uranium enrichment point, one could plan for a counterstrike and an aggregate response from other Middle and Far Eastern Muslim and Asian nuclear powers.

Of course, Israeli officials, the Times said, would not discuss the exercise. Nor, needless to say, would they be willing to discuss their Dimona nuclear plant that has existed since the early 1960s, enriching uranium, and stockpiling by now some 200 nuclear warheads, as America has quietly looked the other way and, indeed, aided Israel with some $3 billion in military aid each year, in addition to millions more in unsecured loans, and hundreds of millions from pro-Israel Jewish-American groups.
FULL ARTICLE @ Online Journal

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